Dear ministry partner, you won’t believe how your partnership has helped change the lives of these student until you hear it from them yourself.....
Tessa Jamili-Form 5, PPK Likas.
Melalui pelayanan pelajar yang dilaksanakan oleh CCC, kehidupan rohani saya bertumbuh. Setiap latihan dan firman Tuhan yang diajar dalam kem mahu pun dalam retreat pelajar yang telah menolong saya mengenal Tuhan dengan lebih mendalam lagi serta saya dapat mengetahui lebih banyak akan kebenaran firman Tuhan. Sejak saya dalam tingkatan tiga, saya telah terlibat dalam pelayanan ini. Saya sangat bersyukur kerana dapat mengikuti pelayana ini,saya telah belajar bagaimana mengkongsikan iman saya dan kasih Kristus kepada rakan sekelas saya dengan berani dan penuh keyakinan. Melalui pelayanan CCC, saya dapat mengetahui dengan jelas akan tanggung jawab saya sebagi seorang pelajar kristian. Iman saya diteguhkan dan saya dapat menjadi pengikut Kristus yang sejati.
Evita- Form 3, PPK Inanam.
Saya dilahirkan dalam keluarga kristian. Namun saya tidak mengerti apa itu kristian. Saya mengikuti keluarga saya pergi ke gereja setiap hari minggu, tapi itu hanya sekadar suka-suka saja. Walau pun saya seorang kristian tapi saya tidak tahu berdoa secara sendiri, dan saya sangat jarang membaca alkitab. Tetapi saya sangat bersyukur kerana melalui pelayanan CCC di sekolah saya, ia nya telah membantu pertumbuhan rohani saya. Saya dapat mengenal Tuhan Yesus dan menerima Dia sebagai Tuhan dan penyelamat saya melalui buku kecli empat hukum rohani. Saya juga telah mengikuti bible study yang bercakap” Bagaimana bertumbuh dalam Kristus”. Pelayanan CCC, sangat menolong perkembangan rohani saya. Kini saya sudah tahu berdoa secara sendiri,dan juga saya kini mempunyai keyakinan membimbing rakan yang lain dalam firman Tuhan sehingga mereka pun dapat bertumbuh didalam Tuhan Yesus.
We Join them in thanking you for having this ministry with us. You are playing significant role in what God is doing in the student life.
Thank you for your partnership…..
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Saturday, 13 October 2012
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
Friday, 1 June 2012
Monday, 21 May 2012
Kem Sahabat PPK Bandaraya
27-29 April 2012 - Kem Sahabat PPK Bandaraya
60 berdoa menerima Yesus
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
Latihan di MTS Melangkap di teruskan dengan pelajaran Menengah, dimana sebelum ini mereka telah belajar Dasar, kali ini latihan fokus kepada latihan bimbingan. Diharapkan melalui latihan ini setiap pelatih MTS Melangkap dapat melakukan bimbingan kepada orang baru percaya atau mengaplikasikannya di tempat pelayanan dimana mereka dihantar nanti.
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Update Jan - Mac
Dear Partners,
On 4-5th February 2012, we organized a Student Leadership Camp in Kionsom Baptist Retreat Centre. Praise God, there are 42 students from 11 schools attended the camp. Our purpose for this camp is to build up new leaders so that they will know how to lead the Christian Student Fellowship, Disclipleship and Prayer Group in their school.
“I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13)
We started off our ministry this year with our Fast & Prayer Retreat from 28-30th December 2012. These are our prayers: God will open wider doors especially for the Youth Ministry in Sabah, more Christian teachers will get involve, as well as for God’s guidance, protection and wisdom from above so that we will be more sensitive to His leading in order to carry out this mission.

Teachers In Mission
Teachers In Mission is to establish a Partnership network with the Christian teachers with a vision to reach out to students and expand the student ministry throughout Sabah. We started the Teachers In Mission last November 2011, hoping that through such partnership and networking, our mission to win the youth can be established more effectively. Praise the Lord, through the dedication and commitment of the YLM team, the partnership with teachers, and also your support, we were able to organize 3 meetings and 33 teachers indicated that they will commit in this ministry.
Thursday, 5 January 2012
Sharing form Student Leaders

SharingToday is the anniversary of my friend's death. He died because of lung cancer, cause by smoking. He knew about his illness 3 months before he died. He has never checked and have any symptom about it. There was no sign. When he found out, he cried and and cried everyday. He told us how regret he is for taking cigarette since the age of 14. He knew on that year when he died that he's gonna stop smoking and having a better life afterward. But it was too late. He died at the age of 19. But he never blamed God for his illness, because he realized that God loves him so much, and wanted a better life for him. But as many times he knew that God wanted him to change, he refused many times. After he stopped, he still had the chance to say that at least he doesn't have to wake up early in the morning, then light up cigarette. Lol. His death made me and few of my friends also stop smoking
My dear friends,
I don't force you to stop, or to judge for those who are smoking. But as friend and someone who had experienced smoking before, I just wanna tell you guys to have a better life and inhale the fresh air daily. We don't know when it's our turn to be called by God. So before it's happen, we have to be prepared always, and live in holiness. We are called to be holy. It's hard to stop, yes I know. But when you get to that point where you think it's not worth to smoke anymore, trust me, you will feel great. God gave us life, so do we have to throw our lives away? I post this not for the purpose of putting others down, or to judge you for smoking, but we care for each other, and you should too.
It's not easy at first? Yes. But you will cope with it soon, just believe that God will help you. You just have to have determination and to know why you wanna stop.
Peace everybody, God loves you. ^_^
Nigel Wong ~ UniRazak SCF
Today is the anniversary of my friend's death. He died because of lung cancer, cause by smoking. He knew about his illness 3 months before he died. He has never checked and have any symptom about it. There was no sign. When he found out, he cried and and cried everyday. He told us how regret he is for taking cigarette since the age of 14. He knew on that year when he died that he's gonna stop smoking and having a better life afterward. But it was too late. He died at the age of 19. But he never blamed God for his illness, because he realized that God loves him so much, and wanted a better life for him. But as many times he knew that God wanted him to change, he refused many times. After he stopped, he still had the chance to say that at least he doesn't have to wake up early in the morning, then light up cigarette. Lol. His death made me and few of my friends also stop smoking
My dear friends,
I don't force you to stop, or to judge for those who are smoking. But as friend and someone who had experienced smoking before, I just wanna tell you guys to have a better life and inhale the fresh air daily. We don't know when it's our turn to be called by God. So before it's happen, we have to be prepared always, and live in holiness. We are called to be holy. It's hard to stop, yes I know. But when you get to that point where you think it's not worth to smoke anymore, trust me, you will feel great. God gave us life, so do we have to throw our lives away? I post this not for the purpose of putting others down, or to judge you for smoking, but we care for each other, and you should too.
It's not easy at first? Yes. But you will cope with it soon, just believe that God will help you. You just have to have determination and to know why you wanna stop.
Peace everybody, God loves you. ^_^
My dear friends,
I don't force you to stop, or to judge for those who are smoking. But as friend and someone who had experienced smoking before, I just wanna tell you guys to have a better life and inhale the fresh air daily. We don't know when it's our turn to be called by God. So before it's happen, we have to be prepared always, and live in holiness. We are called to be holy. It's hard to stop, yes I know. But when you get to that point where you think it's not worth to smoke anymore, trust me, you will feel great. God gave us life, so do we have to throw our lives away? I post this not for the purpose of putting others down, or to judge you for smoking, but we care for each other, and you should too.
It's not easy at first? Yes. But you will cope with it soon, just believe that God will help you. You just have to have determination and to know why you wanna stop.
Peace everybody, God loves you. ^_^
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